It’s often said that the first time you meet someone, you’re judged on a number of factors – with three of the main counts being your hair, your handshake and, arguably most important, your footwear.

Whether it’s a job interview, a red carpet event, dinner or a first date, if you’re hoping for approval from any fashion police, a prospective employer or potential love interest, you’re probably not going to get it when they glance down to see a rather sad-looking pair of battered old winklepickers.

Now this is where luxury shoes come in! It’s one thing to wear a neat pair of shoes, you know? Neat, but basic .. you’d also get a basic impression, but when you wear a pair that exudes luxury and class in every form, you’d also be getting a concomitant impression.

This black pair of slip on loafers, as you can see, is not just any pair of loafers. It was specially crafted to make you stand out from the crowd .. with the special detailing with pearl in silver, donned all around the surface is a class act!

Observers of men’s style love to talk about the biggest and best shoe trends of the day. But if most had to choose just one to immortalise, there’s more than a chance it would be the slip on loafers.

So tell me, why exactly don’t you already have this pair of goodness?

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